Software Development As A Service

Providing you with the flexibility, support and freedom to develop your ideas.

Making it easier for you to develop your ideas

We have 3 ways of pricing every piece of work. Two are very traditional to the industry such as fixed cost projects, as well as time and material projects.

However, moving on with the times, we have created a 3rd business model that fits in with tech start-ups and established businesses who need to produce high quality software quickly, for a manageable and transparent cost every month.

Almost like paying for your phone or electricity bill.

This is our Software Development as a Service model

You purchase a block of Development Credits which will reflect a certain amount of development time and testing.

Time can be bought in hours, days, weeks and months depending on the scope of work you require.

We then sit down and confirm the features you need developed, to ensure these can be completed inside the amount of development credits you have purchased.

We can have an introductory meeting and follow up, to understand your idea fully, where we will advise on what features you should develop and in what order.

All features will be developed and tested before being delivered

Delivery will be agile, so you will have your product or feature inside time allocated. We will not ask you to purchase more time if we agree to do a certain number of features in a given time frame.

This is a very open and transparent way of developing software whereby you know exactly what you are paying for and get exactly what you need at the end of each development cycle.

This model is best suited for businesses who know exactly what they want. For example a Start-Up who wants to develop a core amount of features and run them for a few months before reinvesting in the full platform.

It also suits existing businesses who want to add to their existing applications, but do not want to hire/manage the resources to do so.

For example, to develop an upgrade for your system could require two months’ work. Instead of hiring a full-time developer and having to manage them, purchase two months of development credits from IMACiT.

If we finish it in 1 month, then you still have an extra month of credits to use elsewhere.

transform your business with digital